About ExCo

Anyone, town or gown, can teach an ExCo on whatever they are passionate about! When reviewing course applications, the ExCo Committee is subject-agnostic and solely considers applications based on the instructor’s commitment to the course, familiarity with the subject matter, and depth of thought when making the syllabus. Read about ExCo's history here, or read some blogs about ExCo here.

Courses can be taken or taught for credit, but we are unfortunately unable to financially compensate non-students for teaching courses through ExCo at this time. Up to eight co-curricular credits can be counted towards general credit requirements, but ExCo courses cannot officially count towards divisional requirements. ExCo courses can be offered for either one or two credits.

Typically, courses meet once or twice a week in a regular location. To learn about what courses are being taught, check out our course catalog or attend the ExCo Fair the first Wednesday of each semester. View past course offerings here.

If you’d like to learn more about ExCo or talk about an idea for your course, feel free to visit one of our committee members during office hours or email us at [email protected].